Quieter times to travel

Want to know when it's quieter to travel?

Our handy tool shows you which trains are likely to be quieter.

Please note that this tool takes into account past journey data, from the last two months, rather than live booking data. That means that it might not always be accurate, but can be used to offer an idea of how busy a train could be. Remember to reserve a seat before travelling with LNER.

Quieter times to travel
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Tickets are not required for children under 5, however they will not be guaranteed a seat.

For groups larger than 9 please contact Group Travel.

You must enter at least 1 adult or 1 child passenger
Railcards and discounts
Railcards and Discounts
Railcard numbers cannot exceed the number of passengers
Please select rail card type

Make a seat reservation

If you're travelling with LNER you need a seat reservation. Most tickets come with one as standard, but if you don't have a seat booked you can make one using our free online reservation tool. It's quick, free and easy to do!

Live departures & arrivals

All the latest departure and arrival times