Things to do in Edinburgh

Now you've got your cheap tickets to Edinburgh, explore what the Scottish capital has to offer...


Find out more about Edinburgh

Plan the perfect Edinburgh getaway with our handy guides.

Browse free things to do if you're budget-conscious. You don't have to go far to find top walking tours or some outdoor space. Get your ticket booked and start planning.

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For groups larger than 9 please contact Group Travel.

You must enter at least 1 adult or 1 child passenger
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Our top picks

More things to do in Edinburgh

Free and budget friendly things to do in Edinburgh

Travelling to Edinburgh on a budget? We've got you covered with these fun free things to do in Edinburgh.

Walking tours in Edinburgh

Discover the secrets of Edinburgh's most impressive buildings, explore locations with a magical connection or stay out later to learn about Edinburgh's darker side.

Outdoor things to do in Edinburgh

From city centre hikes to botanic gardens, you can find it all right here in Edinburgh.

See what else Edinburgh has to offer

Shopping in Edinburgh

Fill your bags with gifts (for yourself or for loved ones) at Edinburgh's wide range of luxury and independent shops.

Hotels in Edinburgh

Whether you're in Edinburgh for a night or for a week, you want to help you choose the perfect hotel.

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For groups larger than 9 please contact Group Travel.

You must enter at least 1 adult or 1 child passenger
Railcards and discounts
Railcards and Discounts
Railcard numbers cannot exceed the number of passengers
Please select rail card type